Efsun Games
Dive Into The World of Enchanting Games
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Efsun Games

Efsun Games, headquartered in Istanbul, is an aspiring mobile gaming company specializing in simulation, strategy, and tycoon genres. Our mission is to fuse cutting-edge technology with creative innovation to develop high-quality mobile games that captivate players and endure over time. Embracing a startup culture, the Efsun Games team ensures that every member significantly contributes to both the product and the company’s success.


Our Amazing Team


Mehmet Fatih Yıldız

Co-Founder - Lead Game Designer


Ahmet Bayır

Co-Founder - Lead Developer


Ahmet Kipici

Co-Founder - Data Analyst


Kenan Yektaş

3D Artist


Halid Güngör

3D Artist


Şamil Kurt

Game Developer